www.gusucode.com > PHP条码扫描管理系统 v1.0PHP源码程序 > PHP条码扫描管理系统 v1.0/wltmglxt_v1.0/wltmglxt_v1.0/upload/protected/modules/pandora/views/default/dygraphs.php

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                    <h5> My Income <span class="txt-color-blue">$47,171</span></h5>
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                        1300, 1877, 2500, 2577, 2000, 2100, 3000, 2700, 3631, 2471, 2700, 3631, 2471
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                    <h5> Site Traffic <span class="txt-color-purple"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up" data-rel="bootstrap-tooltip" title="Increased"></i>&nbsp;45%</span></h5>
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                        110,150,300,130,400,240,220,310,220,300, 270, 210
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                    <h5> Site Orders <span class="txt-color-greenDark"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>&nbsp;2447</span></h5>
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                        110,150,300,130,400,240,220,310,220,300, 270, 210
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                            <h3 class="no-margin">Dygraphs is a fast, flexible open source JavaScript charting library.</h3>

                                <li>Handles <strong>huge data sets</strong>: dygraphs plots millions of points without getting bogged down.
                                </li><li><strong>Interactive out of the box</strong>: zoom, pan and mouseover are on by default.
                                </li><li>Strong support for <strong>error bars</strong> / confidence intervals.
                                </li><li><strong>Highly customizable</strong>: using options and custom callbacks, you can make dygraphs do almost anything.
                                </li><li>dygraphs is <strong>highly compatible</strong>: it works in all major browsers (including IE8). You can even <strong>pinch to zoom</strong> on mobile/tablet devices!
                                </li><li>There's an <strong>active community</strong> developing and supporting dygraphs.</li>

                        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
                            <h4>JavaScript Example</h4>
						<pre class="prettyprint margin-top-10">new Dygraph(div, "ny-vs-sf.txt", {
  legend: 'always',
  title: 'NYC vs. SF',
  showRoller: true,
  rollPeriod: 14,
  customBars: true,
  ylabel: 'Temperature (F)',



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                <div class="jarviswidget" id="wid-id-0">
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                        usage: <div class="jarviswidget" id="wid-id-0" data-widget-editbutton="false">


                        <span class="widget-icon"> <i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i> </span>
                        <h2>No roll period </h2>


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                            <!-- This area used as dropdown edit box -->
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                            <!-- this is what the user will see -->
                            <div id="noroll" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div>

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                        usage: <div class="jarviswidget" id="wid-id-0" data-widget-editbutton="false">


                        <span class="widget-icon"> <i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i> </span>
                        <h2>No roll (timestamp)</h2>


                    <!-- widget div-->

                        <!-- widget edit box -->
                        <div class="jarviswidget-editbox">
                            <!-- This area used as dropdown edit box -->
                            <input class="form-control" type="text">
                        <!-- end widget edit box -->

                        <!-- widget content -->
                        <div class="widget-body">
                            <p class="alert alert-success">Roll period of 14 timesteps, custom range selector height and plot color.</p>
                            <!-- this is what the user will see -->
                            <div id="roll14" style="width:100%; height:300px;"></div>

                        <!-- end widget content -->

                    <!-- end widget div -->

                <!-- end widget -->

            <!-- WIDGET END -->


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